China! Where do I start? If you've been looking at the pictures then you probably think we had a wonderful time in China but pictures never tell the full story. Tourists are not permitted into Tibet without a tour guide so we had to pay a hell of a lot of money to a tour company to provide a guide and the permits for our drive through Tibet and Yunnan.
The problems started before we even entered China. When entering China through Tibet it is not possible to apply for your visa in advance. Instead, we had to apply for them in Kathamndu and NAVO, our tour company, had arranged for a small company called Terai Tours who are based in Kathmandu to take care of this. Unfortunately we were a few days behind schedule and NAVO had not ammended the dates on our permit to reflect this. That meant we would only have 10 days to complete our tour which was not enough time. The guys at terai were very helpful and called NAVO to try and fix the problem. The girl we spoke to said it was no problem, that the visa could be extended once I was in china and not to worry about it. So I went ahead and payed $120 for my Chinese visa which Terai had for me the next day.
Then, I received a phone call from the tour guide "Joe". He was wondering when I would be arriving at the border because we didn't have much time on my visa! He said that it could not be extended once I was in china. I called Terai who made some calls and confirmed for us that in fact the visa could NOT be extended once inside China, so NAVO had got it wrong. This meant another couple of days hanging around Kathmandu while NAVO got a new permit with the extended dates and I paid another $120 to re-apply for the Chinese visa with the new dates. We asked NAVO to apply for the permit for 21 days even though we had booked a 14 day tour to allow for unforeseen problems. Instead they made it for 17 days, giving us just 3 extra days should we have problems.
When we arrived at the border NAVO's guide, Joe, handed us a letter from the company asking us for more money! This was to cover the cost of the guide waiting at the border while we were delayed. The money was to be paid immediately and the guide would not provide us with the Tibet permit to enter the country or help us with the entry process until we handed over the money! Foreigners are not permitted to enter Tibet without a guide so they were effectively blackmailing us! They eventually agreed with us that we should only pay half the amount they were asking as half of our delay had been caused by their paperwork being wrong!
After all that when we tried to enter china we discovered that the dates on the Tibet permit they had for us were wrong, It gave us only 1 day to cross Tibet! So we were left waiting at the border while the guide went into town and arranged for a permit with the correct dates to be faxed through!
.....and things were set to get worse!
Pedro with Mount Everest in the background.
This viewpoint was a short drive from the village we stopped to have lunch in. Rica and I wanted to eat in a Tibetan restaurant. We went in and sat down, the owner was a lovely lady who immediatley offered us tea but then Joe, our guide walked in. Ignoring the lady he walked into the kitchen declared it dirty and said we couldn't eat there. He later said that all Tibetan's were dirty, that they lie and cheat and that he "couldn't get used to the way they smell!!" Pretty shocking from a tour guide who is supposed to be showing us the highlights of the country!
As none of the restaurants met his approval we wound up buying noodle boxes(like pot noodles) and sitting in a bus stop eating them with stray dogs and children begging around us! When we discovered the viewpoint we wondered why our guide hadn't suggested we eat lunch there instead of in the street!
The road to Everest!!
The problems started before we even entered China. When entering China through Tibet it is not possible to apply for your visa in advance. Instead, we had to apply for them in Kathamndu and NAVO, our tour company, had arranged for a small company called Terai Tours who are based in Kathmandu to take care of this. Unfortunately we were a few days behind schedule and NAVO had not ammended the dates on our permit to reflect this. That meant we would only have 10 days to complete our tour which was not enough time. The guys at terai were very helpful and called NAVO to try and fix the problem. The girl we spoke to said it was no problem, that the visa could be extended once I was in china and not to worry about it. So I went ahead and payed $120 for my Chinese visa which Terai had for me the next day.
Then, I received a phone call from the tour guide "Joe". He was wondering when I would be arriving at the border because we didn't have much time on my visa! He said that it could not be extended once I was in china. I called Terai who made some calls and confirmed for us that in fact the visa could NOT be extended once inside China, so NAVO had got it wrong. This meant another couple of days hanging around Kathmandu while NAVO got a new permit with the extended dates and I paid another $120 to re-apply for the Chinese visa with the new dates. We asked NAVO to apply for the permit for 21 days even though we had booked a 14 day tour to allow for unforeseen problems. Instead they made it for 17 days, giving us just 3 extra days should we have problems.
When we arrived at the border NAVO's guide, Joe, handed us a letter from the company asking us for more money! This was to cover the cost of the guide waiting at the border while we were delayed. The money was to be paid immediately and the guide would not provide us with the Tibet permit to enter the country or help us with the entry process until we handed over the money! Foreigners are not permitted to enter Tibet without a guide so they were effectively blackmailing us! They eventually agreed with us that we should only pay half the amount they were asking as half of our delay had been caused by their paperwork being wrong!
After all that when we tried to enter china we discovered that the dates on the Tibet permit they had for us were wrong, It gave us only 1 day to cross Tibet! So we were left waiting at the border while the guide went into town and arranged for a permit with the correct dates to be faxed through!
.....and things were set to get worse!
This viewpoint was a short drive from the village we stopped to have lunch in. Rica and I wanted to eat in a Tibetan restaurant. We went in and sat down, the owner was a lovely lady who immediatley offered us tea but then Joe, our guide walked in. Ignoring the lady he walked into the kitchen declared it dirty and said we couldn't eat there. He later said that all Tibetan's were dirty, that they lie and cheat and that he "couldn't get used to the way they smell!!" Pretty shocking from a tour guide who is supposed to be showing us the highlights of the country!
As none of the restaurants met his approval we wound up buying noodle boxes(like pot noodles) and sitting in a bus stop eating them with stray dogs and children begging around us! When we discovered the viewpoint we wondered why our guide hadn't suggested we eat lunch there instead of in the street!
Pedro was feeling the effects of the altitude here. We had been warned in Kathmandu that this would happen and that we should get the mixture adjusted on the carb. Our "guide" said that the road to Everest was very bad and our car wasn't suitable for that road, so I said OK, we'll leave the car with a mechanic in town to make the adjustments and hire a landcruiser to go to base camp.
I can't begin to list every one of our guides f##k up's without writing a book but this is a pretty major one so deserves a mention! I dropped the car off at the garage with him in the morning where he told me that no landcruiser was available but the garage owner's brother would drive us in his car. "and" he said "because it is a small car it is only 400rmb"
"That's great" I said. The night before he had told rica and I that a landcruiser with a driver would be around 1200rmb so that was a really good price....or so I thought.
Rica decided not to go when she saw the little mini-van. She was still pissed off because, in 3 days, our guide had failed to find anywhere she could exchange money.
So I set out with Joe and the driver and eventually we stopped at an office to buy tickets. 120rmb per person plus 400rmb for the car. 400rmb for a ticket for the it turned out the car hire was another 1200rmb on top of that! I had been mis-lead big time!
A little further along the road we reached a police check point, Joe went in with his folder of paperwork. Returning to the car he stated that his paperwork was not valid for that day and the police wouldn't let us pass. He told me because we had already used the permit when we came through the previous day, we couldn't use it to go back again.
He didn't seem to concerned, casually saying to me "Do you really want to go to this place?" I was a little confused as we had passed signs back down the road that said "Everest base camp" So picked up the tickets and asked him where it was he was taking me. I said "Are we going to Everest base camp, or is this just a view point to take this picture?" indicating the photo on the ticket of a mountain range including a very distant Everest. "You just take this picture here" he said. So I told him "I saw Everest from a distance yesterday. I want to go to base camp". "Ok" he said "Thats back the other way".
So we returned the tickets and headed back the way we had come. Almost an hour later I asked him again "Where are we going?" because Everest which could be seen occasionally from the road seemed to be getting further away. "Everest base camp" he said. "Really?" I questioned him further "THE Everest base camp? The campsite at the base of mount Everest where the climbers start out from". "No" he confessed. It turned out he was actually taking me to a campsite with a distant view of Everest which just happened to be named "Everest base camp".
I exploded at him "Why the hell did he think I'd want to go there?, I've been saying for days I wanted to go to Everest. Surely that is where all tourists want to go when they ask for Everest Base Camp? Has he actually worked as a guide before?"
So we went back to the police check point. Again he went inside and returned saying the police would not let us pass. "right!" I said "I'll speak to him". Joe tried to stop me but I was not going to let his incompetence stop me from seeing the worlds most famous mountain which I had driven all this way and paid so much money to see! I don't know how much English the guard understood but after my shouting at Joe in front of him begging him not to punish me for having such a useless guide and finally crying he agreed to let us pass.
I can't begin to list every one of our guides f##k up's without writing a book but this is a pretty major one so deserves a mention! I dropped the car off at the garage with him in the morning where he told me that no landcruiser was available but the garage owner's brother would drive us in his car. "and" he said "because it is a small car it is only 400rmb"
"That's great" I said. The night before he had told rica and I that a landcruiser with a driver would be around 1200rmb so that was a really good price....or so I thought.
Rica decided not to go when she saw the little mini-van. She was still pissed off because, in 3 days, our guide had failed to find anywhere she could exchange money.
So I set out with Joe and the driver and eventually we stopped at an office to buy tickets. 120rmb per person plus 400rmb for the car. 400rmb for a ticket for the it turned out the car hire was another 1200rmb on top of that! I had been mis-lead big time!
A little further along the road we reached a police check point, Joe went in with his folder of paperwork. Returning to the car he stated that his paperwork was not valid for that day and the police wouldn't let us pass. He told me because we had already used the permit when we came through the previous day, we couldn't use it to go back again.
He didn't seem to concerned, casually saying to me "Do you really want to go to this place?" I was a little confused as we had passed signs back down the road that said "Everest base camp" So picked up the tickets and asked him where it was he was taking me. I said "Are we going to Everest base camp, or is this just a view point to take this picture?" indicating the photo on the ticket of a mountain range including a very distant Everest. "You just take this picture here" he said. So I told him "I saw Everest from a distance yesterday. I want to go to base camp". "Ok" he said "Thats back the other way".
So we returned the tickets and headed back the way we had come. Almost an hour later I asked him again "Where are we going?" because Everest which could be seen occasionally from the road seemed to be getting further away. "Everest base camp" he said. "Really?" I questioned him further "THE Everest base camp? The campsite at the base of mount Everest where the climbers start out from". "No" he confessed. It turned out he was actually taking me to a campsite with a distant view of Everest which just happened to be named "Everest base camp".
I exploded at him "Why the hell did he think I'd want to go there?, I've been saying for days I wanted to go to Everest. Surely that is where all tourists want to go when they ask for Everest Base Camp? Has he actually worked as a guide before?"
So we went back to the police check point. Again he went inside and returned saying the police would not let us pass. "right!" I said "I'll speak to him". Joe tried to stop me but I was not going to let his incompetence stop me from seeing the worlds most famous mountain which I had driven all this way and paid so much money to see! I don't know how much English the guard understood but after my shouting at Joe in front of him begging him not to punish me for having such a useless guide and finally crying he agreed to let us pass.
I felt so sick, I curled up in the back and tried to sleep. The road was so bumpy it just made me feel worse but I didn't have the energy to sit up. The guide and driver were unconcerned and stopped for dinner, leaving me in the car. I tried to sleep but it was so cold that eventually I went inside to find them. I tried to eat a little food but couldn't, I was still handed the bill though!
Back on the road my head was feeling worse and I started vomiting out of the car window, crying out in pain whenever we hit a big bump which was a lot!
It was 3:30am when we got back to town and instead of taking me to a hospital Joe dropped me off at the hotel and asked me for more money for the driver because we were so late returning. I told him I didn't have anymore money and he should give him the 100rmb's he has asked me for earlier in case he had to bribe a policeman!
It wasn't until the following morning when Rica saw how sick I was that she asked Joe to call a doctor. The doctor gave me oxygen and a pile of tablets. He said I would feel better when we moved to lower altitude and wrote a note recommending that I didn't drive on the high plateau.
Joe told the police that the doctors note was for Rica, not me and I passed the medical and driving test as required. The police loved the car, as you can see in the above photo at the police station!
In Lhasa the guide had another surprise for us. He said that the road from Lhasa to Kunming was very bad and we would have to put our car on a truck as far as Kunming. The truck would cost 6500rmb! Of course we said no, this is a car rally, we've already driven 20,000 miles to get there on some very bad roads. The guide said No, that our car wasn't suitable for that road and only 4x4's could pass. We said, if the road was that dangerous then why couldn't we go the same route that the truck would go. He said that they didn't have the permits for us for that road. I asked why? Why if the road was dangerous and only suitable for 4x4's WHY had they arranged a tour for us travelling on that road with no alternative? They knew what car we were bringing, I had e-mailed photos from every angle and all the details they had requested about the car right down to the weight, engine size, chassis number etc. If the car wasn't suitable for the road they had bought us permits for then it was their fault as the tour organiser and if they insisted on us putting the car on a truck then they should pay for it!
This stand off went on for 10 days, not only putting us behind schedule but also meaning our Chinese visa was rapidly expiring. Finally with our visa almost expired we had to submit once again to their blackmail! Of course as our visa would be expired before the car reached Kunming it meant I had to pay for the truck to take the car all the way to the Lao border and Rica and I would have to fly out of the country. The cost; 10,000rmb's which the tour company have refused to take any responsibilty for. They act as if they are doing us a favour when in fact they have taken thousands of pounds from us for a tour which we didn't even get to complete half of! I am so angry at having to put the car on a truck when there is nothing wrong with it. All because our racist guide who has never even owned a car thinks it isn't suitable for a bad road!
The only plus to all of this was that we were able to spend some quality time sight-seeing in Lhasa. We asked the "guide" what there was to see in Lhasa but he said he didn't have time to tell us! So we left him at the hotel and had a much better time on our own.
This stand off went on for 10 days, not only putting us behind schedule but also meaning our Chinese visa was rapidly expiring. Finally with our visa almost expired we had to submit once again to their blackmail! Of course as our visa would be expired before the car reached Kunming it meant I had to pay for the truck to take the car all the way to the Lao border and Rica and I would have to fly out of the country. The cost; 10,000rmb's which the tour company have refused to take any responsibilty for. They act as if they are doing us a favour when in fact they have taken thousands of pounds from us for a tour which we didn't even get to complete half of! I am so angry at having to put the car on a truck when there is nothing wrong with it. All because our racist guide who has never even owned a car thinks it isn't suitable for a bad road!
The only plus to all of this was that we were able to spend some quality time sight-seeing in Lhasa. We asked the "guide" what there was to see in Lhasa but he said he didn't have time to tell us! So we left him at the hotel and had a much better time on our own.
The "Spa" was a thinnly disguised knocking shop, I'm just glad I only asked for the foot massage! The girl who massaged my feet was wearing lingerie and when Rica asked what one of the more expensive items on the "menu" was she was taken to see a full on sex room complete with vibrating, swinging bed! The staff all found it hilarious and always had a smile and a wave for us when we passed on the way to our room.
Yep, it was an equal opportunities brothel, there were boys working there too...NO, I wasn't tempted! Rica thought he was cute but with her limited mandarin she was unable to discover whether he went both ways or not.
The "blind massage centre" is in this square. After our last massage experience I should have known better when Rica suggested we go in! The massage was actually very good, if a little to firm at times, we both ached for days. The boy who massaged us was very talkative but slipped up a couple of times. Firstly after telling me his girlfriend had hair longer than mine he then told Rica he was single. Then he span us a sob story about how he had been hit by a car and his white stick got broken so he was having trouble getting around........a new one would cost 800rmb and he couldn't afford it. Hmm, what's that white stick leaning against the wall then?
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