Thursday, 9 July 2009

Goodwood and the Crazy Canucks

Wow, hasn't been much time for blogging! I am tweeting though so keep an eye on the twitter feed on the left.

We left fromGoodwood on 4th July. Met Jay Kay there, he wouldn't wish us luck on camera :-( but he was very polite about, contrary to his reputation with photographers.

Thanks to everybody who turned out to see us off and Happy Birthday to my niece Penny.

Our first problems came at the Channel tunnel. We lined up to drive on to the train right by the Italian "Riders for Hope" team who are heading to Tajikistan on the Roof of the World Rally. We were hoping to have time for a chat but then disaster struck...Pedro wouldn't start!

The Channel Tunnel recovery guys were very sweet and tracked it down to a dodgy starter motor. Whacking it with a hammer got it going but we would have to find a new one as that trick wasn't going to keep us going all the way to Australia. Luckily for us the "European Bug in" was on in Belgium the weekend we left so guess where we were heading! If there was any chance of finding a new starter and some help with the bug it would be there.

We had a nightmare finding our way into Chimay. Open petrol stations were impossible to find and without a fuel guage in the car it was inevitable we were going to run out. We emptied one Jerry can into the car but it cut out a little further down the road, probably down to air in the system where we got so low on fuel. While we were trying to get the car started a lovely Belgian couple stopped to help us and escorted us into Chimay. In Chimay the car died again. Rica went off with one of the Belgian guys to find petrol and came back with some french guys in Beetles. They helped us get the car going, syphoned a little fuel from one of their cars, showed us the way to their campsite and when we got their put a much needed beer in our hands.

Next morning we headed for the Bug In. The European Bug In is a big VW meet and drag race event. I was looking for a friend of a friend that I knew was there to ask for help, instead we found the Crazy Canuck Drag Racing Team, a Canadian/British team who offered to help us. The whole team spent all day getting Pedro running perfectly. I tracked down a new starter motor at the show which Sarah (aka Beaver) fitted, Shane(the canadian element of the team) removed the electronic ignition system which he said was part of our problem and switched it back to point and condenser. Even Ginger Bob picked up a spanner and tightened the battery terminals, apparently Ginger Bob holding a spanner is a rare event so we were very honoured. As it was Shanes birthday we were then obliged to spend the evening out in Chimay drinking any strange spirits that could be found. The Zi Zi Coin Coin went down very well, although I think my personal favourite was the meths coloured Pisang Ambon which was allegedly guarana and lime flavour. Will have to add the crazy canuck photos later as they're on Ricas camera.

Trying to put our tents up in the dark after a heavy night was interesting. Right next to the Porta loos. Nice!
Next morning the guys did some last minute fettling and branded Pedro with a Crazy Canuck team sticker and we were on our way with some serious catching up to do.

The rest of Europe has been a bit of a blur and I'm pretty exhausted right now. We put in a lot of motorway hours driving, still saw some stunning scenery in the Austrain Alps especially.

Then it was on to Slovenia and Croatia. Finally pausing for a little sight-seeing in Dubrovnik.

We have an extra passenger onboard Pedro, James Beauchamps friend "white teddy". He is very happy James and enjoyed his first sight-seeing tour in Dubrovnik.

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